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Why is it same carb ?

steve leckey

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Just finished for the night getting a few jobs done on Opal my gt6 mk 3 after been inspired on from the Santa pod weekend, she will be back on the road soon lol.Been putting headlight pods back on thought I'll start her up for ten minutes everything fine nice tickover started easy thought this is going well  then looked down she's we'ed why is it always same carb I clean it out  then fine ?

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stromberg floats and valves are fairly bullet proof,  the old nutshell is  when fitting all the many hose joints you cut a sliver of rubber off the inside of the hose and this floats about in the supply and then jams in the back of the float needle

on Stroms this gives more a blockage than open valves on SU it can get stuck in the needle port
on SU its important the top of the all plastic  float has no small  wear marks on its contact face as these jam the valve
Stroms are more substantial and have metal arms its not a problem with these

check the float height is 18mm from the carb face to the highest part of the float ,  on some strom floats you can have two valve arms and its easy to fit the float upside down.

  make  certainly sure no gaskets or filter is obstructing any of the small ports on the filter mounting face


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