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Oil, or a lack of it...

Sideways Tim

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I've found a bit of info regarding shims on the net. Will mark the valve ends before I do anything and see where the rockers are making contact. Shims will move the contact point closer to the shaft, as will longer push rods, so unless mine are contacting further out from centre to begin, shims will only make things worse. At least I can try that today...

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Well, I know you're all waiting for the next installment of fat guy ruins his spitfire - here it is...

I marked the valve ends and did a few rotations of the crank, then had a look see. The marking showed that the rockers were contacting the valves further away from centre than the shaft, so shims would theoretically do not harm. I made some from .06" (1.5mm) plate and fitted the rocker assembly back in. Easy to get a fullrange of adjustment on the rockers now - yippee!
Put it all back together and went for a spin. Oil pressure is about 60psi cold and remains at around 10psi hot at idle. Will keep a close eye on the pressure when the oil gets very hot, but when I got back I whipped the rocker cover off and it was all much more oily under there then I ever recall it being before.

I'm chalking this one up as a success - just need to re-do the head bolts once it's done a few miles and we're good.

Oh, one last thing - the head measures 75mm in depth, how does that compare with what it should be?



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