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Maniflow Exhaust


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Hello all,

The exhaust manifold downpipe on my GT6 Mk3 is in dire need of replacement. Apologies in advance however I couldn't find the information that I wanted from previous threads. To keep it simple I've got a list of questions I'd like your thoughts on.

Currently I've got the standard manifold & downpipe with a stainless centre section, y split & two boxes. I'm thinking of replacing it with a Maniflow exhaust manifold & either re-using the stainless bits that I've got or using the Canley classics single pipe big bore system. See links.

As far as build quality goes, the maniflow manifold looks 100x better quality than the phoenix or rimmer equivalents.


Has anyone had any experience with this maniflow exhaust manifold ? http://www.maniflow.co.uk/index.php?view=product&from=204&product=1518

Same question but for the canleys big bore system ? http://www.canleyclassics.com/engine/large-bore-straight-through-stainless-steel-exhaust-system

The intake is provided through twin CDSE 150 Stromberg carbs, am I likely to upset the current tune by fitting a better gas flowing system?

Thanks for your input.

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Quoted from sam93

As far as build quality goes, the maniflow manifold looks 100x better quality than the phoenix or rimmer equivalents.


Has anyone had any experience with this maniflow exhaust manifold ? http://www.maniflow.co.uk/index.php?view=product&from=204&product=1518

Is the conventional wisdom not that the 6-3-1 configuration is superior for performance over the 6-2-1?  The Maniflow system appears to be 6-2-1.

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Indeed, the maniflow seems to be a build a simple to fit design, rather than one that improves efficiency. primary lengths certainly are not equal.
Bell do a tidy 6>2>1 and if that is what you want, then you ought to have a look at it.

As to affecting tune, a decent exhaust certainly should affect gasflow and need a needle change. If it doesn't, you have wasted your money!

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I was under the impression that many of the aftermarket systems were not that big an improvement since there was more to it than just it having 2 or 3 secondary pipes ; collectors for instance played a part.  Didn't someone once show that one of the stock manifolds was better than a tubular item?  While Mike the Pipe and a certain man known as GT are known for making great systems both are in short supply and the latter very expensive.

I cannot comment beyond that however. The Maniflow system does seem to have a half decent collector mine you.

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Mike the Pipe won't be making any more....... he left us some years ago.

The Moss one Martin references is the closest modern equivalent.  Don't know if it's still being made or is a "while stocks last" thing.

You can get pretty good results from a TR5/6 twin outlet cast one (as shown on my old PI) but would a sod to fit on a small chassis car due to the orientation of the outlets (across rather than along the car)


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