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Spitfire 1500 float chambers


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hi all

I have finally got my spitfire back from the paint shop and now the fun begins.
So we managed to get it running before it went but that was nearly 8 months ago!!
So got it back checked all the normal bits I have good spark battery is new and fully charged.

If I squirt easy start directly in the carbs then turn it fires with the easy start then stops once it runs out.
So I'm going for a fuel delivery problem I have fuel in the system and the fuel filter has fuel in it. If I undo the fuel line at the carb is flows.

One thing I have not had much dealings with is the float chambers.

Would someone be able to first explain (in nice simple terms!!) what they do and how they operate?

I'm looking at them and guessing the fuel gets delivered to them then they feed the carbs. If they are not feeding the carbs where is the fuel going?

Are am I missing something?



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If both float chambers had fuel in them it suggests blocks carb jets.

Remove the air filters and dashpot covers and pump the choke a few times (just grab the cable and pull/push a few time).  You should see fuel looking down the jet.  If not try removing the carb jet from the carb/float chamber and giving it a good (and tasty if you don't have a compressor) blow through.

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Not the answer to your problem, but........
In future, Instead of using easystart, put Petrol into an old clean hand pump atomizer like an windscreen de-icer and spray that into the carbs while the engine is turning. Then the engine can then be kept running longer by additional squirts.(clap)

(After thought) You say you have checked all the normal bits, does this include the plug leads and the firing order, how about the ignition timing?


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1704 wrote:
Not the answer to your problem, but........
In future, Instead of using easystart, put Petrol into an old clean hand pump atomizer like an windscreen de-icer and spray that into the carbs while the engine is turning. Then the engine can then be kept running longer by additional squirts.(clap)

(After thought) You say you have checked all the normal bits, does this include the plug leads and the firing order, how about the ignition timing?


I nearly had it running just now turning and nearly catching I want to try cleaning the jets for two purposes.
1: I have never done this and it's seems a easy enough check to add to my knowledge bank.
2: it's makes sense that it could be the answer.

In the Haynes manual it shows the nut at one end of the jet which I have undone but at the other end it shows a screw which mine does not have only way I can see to remove is using the adjusting screw. I would rather not do this as it was running as it's currently set up so don't want to mess with it.

Am I right that the jet is on the bottom of the carb not the flexi pipe going from the carb to the float?

Thanks for the hint by the way I will have to empty the wife's cleaning products first!!

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Are the jet on your carbs just little red sticks of plastic or a mini metal candle holder?

The former are the 'traditional' just and the latter Waxstat ones that reduce emissions/just cause problems.  If you've taking the old ones off might be worth converting to standard jets.

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Don't start changing anything before you get it running or you could introduce a problem before this ones sorted.
If it was running 8 months ago then it's going to be something silly.
Try some fresh petrol. Empty the old from the float bowls and pour some new in. then try starting it.

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I'm in Brentwood Essex I had one of my friends coming over today who has always been into triumphs (currently has a lovely tr8) but he got caught up so couldn't make it.
Had to leave everything today as the body shop needed me to pick up the rest of the bits, so I now have a complete car just need to bolt it all back together again!!

I will try and get on it again this week in the evenings if not I am off again Sunday so will have a few hours on it then.
Didn't manage to get the jet off today so will have another look later in the week when I get time.

Thanks for all the help today I will get some pictures taken over the weekend and give an update on the rebuild

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