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Brake Line Replacement


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Brake Line replacement

Does anyone have any experience with the replacement of the brake lines on an Acclaim ?
The garage is saying that as the Acclaim’s lines go through the chassis they don’t know how to do this (either that or they are concerned that the bodywork won’t take it and don’t want to do it).

This could be a scrap or save decision – so any thoughts welcome.

Also, anyone know where I can source a front suspension coil and a CV boot outer ?


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Barry McGrath is you man for parts. The brake lines run through the interior of the car along the offside inner sill. Because the braking system is dual circuit there are two sets of brake lines that run the length of the car. The one for the nearside rear wheel runs underneath the rear seat. This means that most of the brake lines are protected from the elements. I can't see the car being condemned for the sake of a brake pipe. Margaret needed a short section of brake pipe replacing for her MoT. It cost more more to have the welding done. (I'm a crap welder) If the garage needs any info then lend them a Haynes manual. I have a factory workshop manaual from which I can quote the text if necessary or I could scan the pages for you. Failing that the Haynes is just as good. Wherabouts in the country are you? Maybe one of us can help.

Welcome to the forum.

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Thanks a lot.

I think the garage just don’t want to it – as the bodywork is not without its issues. They’ve had the Haynes manual in the past.

I probably need to find a garage/someone that treats Acclaims more seriously.
The classic garages I’ve contacted are a bit sniffy about Acclaims not being a ‘proper’ classic and won’t touch her. So does anyone know of anyone who may be able to help ?
Would be looking in the Hampshire, Sussex, Surrey or South London surrounds.

Really appreciate it.
Thanks again.

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The only person I can think of down your way would be Andy Ellis but I think he's moved on from Acclaims. (shame!) I can't help with a choice of garage. The testing station I now use does classics and moderns and they've tested 2 of my Acclaims (Blue & Margaret) and they'll be testing Becky II as soon as I can book her in.

Sorry I can't be of much more help.

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Can you advise on the front spring ?
That's currently the most urgent, as once that's done, she's driveable again and I can take her somewhere for a proper assessment. (At first, I wasn't sure on fixing the spring, if the brake lines really couldn't be done - now it seems possible).

I've been told that the brake lines are sweating both sides - not sure where - but assuming the worst.

Many Thanks

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The brake pipes that are in the engine bay are the ones that are prone to corosion. I had to have one replaced on Margaret for her MoT. The ones that run along the length of the car are protected from the elements so they should be fine. Any joy with Andy Ellis? I'm sure he can source you some replacement springs. You'll have to replace both front springs at once to avoid any imbalance in the car.

Andy, if you're reading this please come to Jen's aid.

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Pete, that saves me having to scan my copy. As you can see the brake pipes that run along the length of the wheelbase are routed through the interior of the car along the inner sill. This photo of Becky's rear offside floorpan shows the brake lines with the cables for the boot and fuel filler flap release just above them. At the top left of the photo is the B-post and the OSR door panel.

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Thanks everyone – really appreciate this.

The sweatiness was the garage's description. She’s fairly rusty on the off-side which doesn’t help.

I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks again and any further thoughts most welcome.

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