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Standard (original) brake lines or renew??


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When i stripped the brake lines of the chassis, other than a little surface rust they seem pretty solid and I have considered re-using them on rebuild.

Are the new copper replacement kits better or worse than the original steel?
What bore size is best for normal use?

Not racing, just restoring but want good/best critical components.

Any thoughts?


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Don't reuse, if steel they could be +30 years?

Go for a quality kit like one from Automec if you are new to brake systems. They do both copper/nickel and copper brake lines for spitfire; go for copper/nickel.

A new shiny paint on your 99% top rebuild classic won't help you stop safely  8)

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Renew as a matter of course, use cupro-nickel (CuNiFer) replacements in preference to copper.

Don't be tempted by brakepipe sets from suposed brake specialists, the lengths are rearley correct, six inches too long ebing an average! Either make your own, or buy from a Triumph specialist who makes them in house, rather than buys them ready made.


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heraldcoupe wrote:
Renew as a matter of course, use cupro-nickel (CuNiFer) replacements in preference to copper.

Where can I get this stuff from?


A good motor factor will have it, not so good ones can order it in for you.

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