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how do i press the brake cylinders in?


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i'm changing my front pads on my gt6. it i've got the old ones and shims out.  my instructions tell me to push the cylinders in.. but how?.. they are quite tuff to move.

should i repl;ece the shims as well? both surfaces look abit corroded. should i just clean that off?


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Hello Sooty,

there are special tools to retract the piston but a big screwdriver or small pinch bar will serve OK. If you don't have Silicone brake fluid, put something under the master cylinder to catch the fluid that may spill as the pistons push fluid back to the reservoir.

For the cost, I would replace the shims if doubtful.


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With either a big pry bar, or a  G clamp

be care full when pushing the pistons back, as when you push all four back, you may well find your master cylinder has ..over flowed,..., and its qiute a good paint stripper this stuff,!!!!!

suck  some out, first

regards Marcus

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Put length of tube on caliper bleed nipple into suitable jar
Put pressure on piston with screwdriver, pry bar etc.
open bleed nipple and piston will retract easily - shut bleed nipple just as piston bottoms out.
Fit new pads, pins and anti-rattle shims (dont forget copperslip)
Pump with pedal to get firm brake - top up reervoir.
Job done without having to force fluid wrong way past master cylinder seals and no mess.

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When pumping the pedal to push the caliper pistons back out again, don't use the full pedal travel but use shorter strokes. Using long strokes increases the risk of master cylinder seal damage as the seals pass over areas of cylinder that they don't touch in normal use. If these areas are corroded they will damge the seals.

How many times have you heard people say their master seals went shortly after bleeding the brakes (using long pedal pumps)? Using an Easybleed avoids this.

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Robroy, I take it you gave a hand if your smileys are anything to go by? I think you must have too much time on your hands- now there's a good excuse to get yourself a project car. How about that one that's still standing waiting for you at Oakengates? It's got your name all over it, and if you need to get it back to yours I know a guy who's just gone into busines moving vehicles (or anything else come to that matter) on a low-loader.

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Good old Robroy66 (he really is 66 you know).  They call him "The Car Whisperer"

As for projects, it's time he had a proper car, like the nice 2500S estate I was told about yesterday, 31k from new, just needs a few weekends fettling for an MOT.  It's even a nice shade of blue.........

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