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Turning Over Body Tub


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I am wanting to get to the underside of my Spitfire 1500, I was thinking about taking off the body tub but was wondering what the best way to turn over the body to get to the underside is.  Also would I need to leave the doors on?

I dont have a rotisserie and dont want to buy expensive frames as I wont use it again I doubt.

Any ideas would be great


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Hi Chambers,

I am currently working on my tub which is sat on two lengths of scaffold board sitting on 2 of these tresles http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/10118971/
i have finished the underneath and now have it sitting the right way up it seems to work well.

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When I needed to strip the underside of my GT6 tub I just rolled on its side. It's light enough that the weight didn't bend the rear wings, and it balanced naturally at just over 90 degrees. Sounds bad but the whole car was getting stripped, the paint was coming off anyway. You should find some wy of bracing the door gap though, unless you leave the door in. And if you do that, take off the door handle to avoid it getting pressed into the door skin.

The body tub is light enough for one person to lift one side.

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try and find a few old tyres to roll the tub onto. The door skins can be quite thin so if you leave the doors on you may possible damage the skin/s.
I personally would take doors off an fit/weld an appropriate brace across door openings before unbolting the tub from the chassis. That way you make sure of no damage to door, lighten the tub a little and ensure no movement when rolling onto the tyres.
But hey, sometime I over-do things ;)


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I did this a couple of years ago. Found no problems with laying the tub on its side on an old quilt and various old sheets and quilt covers, removed the doors first but my tub was in very good overall condition with only 2 small patches needed, meaning it wasn't at risk of losing it's shape.
I fitted it on to a different chassis after it was painted underneath with no issues.

If you do it this way and do any wlding, make sure you cover the mattress / tyres / old quilt to prevent them catching fire lol


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Thanks for all the tips guys.  How many people will I need to lift the tub off the chasis?

Thanks Alan, I am based in Darlington, not sure where you are?

If anyone has any posts of their tubs rolled over/propped up that would be great

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When we pulled my tub off there were four of us. We had a corner each and it is suprising how high you have to lift the tub to clear the rear of the chassis.
We put it in the garage, arse end first and then lifted the drivers side up and leant it up against the wall resting the windscreen frame against the wall (padded) The tub was on an old continental quilt and some old quilt covers.
Four of us did this easily, it is not heavy but it is an awkward lift.
I did take some pics but can't find them now I nedd them (always the way)

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I left the doors on and lifted up the body with a hoist and a strong rope cradle.  Then wheeled the chassis and engine + bonnet out from the garage before dropping the body on to wood planks on the floor.  Using a piece of rope attached to the garage side wall, thread under the body and up to the hoist, I rolled the body onto some strategically placed old rolls of carpet.  One man job.  Easy.  Did the same with my Mini, more or less.

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Talk me about it! One winter night in the docks in antwerp my friend and driver had a "wonder what happens if i pull the handbrake" moment. When we finally stopped pirouetting and sliding over the wet cobblestones the mini was about half a tyre width from tumbling into the river. I have ever so much respect now for whoever it was that drove a Mini B***s out in the Monte Carlo.


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