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Front wheel bearing seal


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Hi. have recently been overhauling front suspension system on my spit. Just replaced the hub bearings and am having trouble installing the felt seal.

If I assemble the hub to the stub axle without the seal, and finger tighten the castleated nut... back off etc. hub spins freely. However if i install the seal and reasseble, finger tightening the nut will not allow the split pin to pass through the axle and the hub has some resistance to rotation.

What I'm getting at really is that the hub seems to sit about 1/8" higher with the seal than without, and I'm guessing this is not right as the bearings cannot be seated on the taper correctly???

Any ideas gratefully accepted, sorry for the long and convoluted post for such a simple problem.


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Yep, pretty sure, I have installed the new seal with the metal ring against the face of the virtical link, when I then slide the inboard bearing on, it rests against the felt, but with some play against the axle, as before without the felt the bearing drops onto the axle by about a further 1/16 - 1/8" it's as if the felt is too thick??

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kfairbank1982 wrote:
Yep, pretty sure, I have installed the new seal with the metal ring against the face of the virtical link, when I then slide the inboard bearing on, it rests against the felt, but with some play against the axle, as before without the felt the bearing drops onto the axle by about a further 1/16 - 1/8" it's as if the felt is too thick??

Metal ring goes against bearing/hub-side. Felt should be against vertical link. Carefull not to bend metal ring when you press metal ring down in hub


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The seal now fitted the correct way round! damn moss catalogue misleading diagram! still the same issue, the inner part of the bearing sits inside the metal ring, allowing the outer part to contact the ring causing resistance... annoying me now!

Thanks all for your help

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