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I Have just picked up some tyres and rims the tyre sizes states 5.20 x 13 the tyres are in fairly good nick but will i be easily able to get hold of this size in the future or am i better to pay out now for a standard size 13inch tyre if you get my meaning

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You need to take tyre safety very seriously, I say this having just learnt yesterday that coach-crash last year from the Isle of Wight Festival was caused by a blowout on a 20 year old tyre! Working in the coach industry myself, I am not only shocked but also appalled that a tyre of this age was allowed to be on a vehicle especially one going that distance. As a consequence I myself will be buying new tyres for my Herald when the time comes to put her on the road.

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  • 4 weeks later...

2276 wrote:
I will just replace them rather be safe than sorry not sure of age of rubber the last thing I want to do is spend all this time and money on getting the car together to have a blow out and wreck the thing!!

If yours is a 'show car' it might be worth getting another set of rims & keeping the crossplies for 'originality' purposes for when the car is exhibited........
'Crossplies' per se are fine........I did 47k in a '56 MGA - most of 'em on on ex VW Beetle 5.60x15 crossplies....Having said that, your other correspondents are right in that the possible age of the tyres are an important factor.......

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