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just signed up although i have stolen information in the past!!!
i'm a relative triumph virgin, and am fumbling away with a spartan kit car.
the engine that has come out of it, (sadly with rusted bores due to poor storage) was a from triumph 2000. therefore the prop shaft was made to suit this engine and gearbox.
i have a replacement 2ltr engine from a vitesse.
as i am reluctant to go through the rigmarole of making a new propshaft, due to the vitesse gearbox being shorter in length, what i need to know is will the vitesse engine fit the saloon gearbox?

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In short, providing the input shaft is the same length with identical splines - then yes I think it should. The bellhousing configuration should be the same.

There is something ticking away in my head about a Vitesse non overdrive prop being the same length as a saloon overdrive one, or along those lines - but it's early and my thoughts are a bit woolly!

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yes, but I think you need to swap the flywheel and backplate. Keep the saloon box. Is it overdrive (i hope so!)
This is assuming it is the same type of engine ie both late or early, but still swapable as long as you have all teh manifolds etc for each)

Mike, I think a saloon prop is the correct length for a vitesse with vitesse OD box)

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The saloon propshaft is the same length with and without overdrive. It's 47" long, which is the same length as Vitesse non-overdrive.
The part numbers cross reference to some degree, but there was an internal damper in some of the 2000 propshafts, which confises attempts to cross reference parts lists,


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just back from hols so a bit late replying.many thanks gents. thought i might have had to swap the flywheel so think will probably go that way. one of the replies was to keep the saloon gearbox. any reason for this over the vitesse box?

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8162 wrote:
any reason for this over the vitesse box?

Just that your car is already setup for the saloon box, (prop, gearbox mount gearstick etc). The saloon box is stronger but if you only have a 2 litre (and not suped up) then the vitesse box should be fine and has a lighter gear change.

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vitesse box will also have better gear ratios (on a saloon box first is a real crawler gear) especially on a lightish kitcar.
however, for simplicity it is easier to keep the saloon one.

HOWEVER if either has an overdrive fitted, keep it!

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