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Help needed to identify 2 litre 6 cylinder Engine


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Sorry, shouldn't have got wound up, it's just that I'm a grumpy old man who gets annoyed by the "my rights" attitude that's so prevalent today, instead of the "my responsibilities" attitude I grew up with. I don't have an iPhone and don't find the extra 30 seconds of shrinking the image to be a big factor compared to plugging my digital camera into the PC. I get what you say about it being possible to automatically re-size on upload but always doing so would prevent people from pushing the boundaries when needed, and not enforcing it would result in people uploading vast aerial photos of the whole city so that we can look at the carburettor on the car in front of their house! Alright, I massively exaggerate for comic effect, but we have had very big pictures uploaded because the poster couldn't be bothered to crop it to the 200x100 pixel extract of interest. If you're asking for help, taking a little bit of time to prepare the information you want to present in a convenient manner... just seems the polite thing to do, to me.

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