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Advice Needed - Steel Wheels


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As I have a new (to me) set of wheels, I'm thinking about getting rid of my 4.5" steelies

But - should I get them refinished before doing so?

It'd cost me about £80-£100 to get them refinished properly

But would I recover this cost?
Is there any demand for the original wheels?
I'd imagine everybody has got a set of them hidden away somewhere anyway?

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Cheers mate

Reckon I'll leave them as is then
I'd rather leave them than do a bad job for whoever owns them next

Is there any demand for 4.5s?

Should I put them on a well known auction site, or would it be worth taking them to a show and trying to swap them for some other parts?

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i changed mine because it came with 3.5J's, which was standard on everything up to mk3 spit i think, and i assume heralds aswell. what type are they ? the early hubcap type or the oval hole ones ? i suppose somebody in my position with the 3.5js might want them, depends on what style. i wouldnt put oval holes on my mk3 spit, may not bother some people. i sold my 3.5J's, with pretty new cheapo tyres for 80 quid on ebay.

hopefully somebody might tell you what they're actually worth, depending on your use of the car, maybe a second set of wheels would be handy for winter/track ? i dunno, just thinking out loud.

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I bought a full set of 4 4.5J Herald steels at Stafford last year, £40. When I needed a single one for my Gt6, Chic Doig charged me around £50. The price certainly varies but yes there are people looking for the wider wheels, you can only try your luck at selling them.

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Hang onto them until you can replace them with others to your liking.
If you hit something in the road or otherwise trash a wheel, you'll have a spare to ride on.
FYI:  hitting a 4x4 piece of lumber in the road will ruin a wheel.

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I picked up two sets of 4.5J steels FOC from two different people.. One went on my Dolly 1500, the other blasted/powdercoated and fitted to my Spit. They're worth keeping, even if not worth much, even if to give / swap with someone who needs them.

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rotoflex wrote:
Hang onto them until you can replace them with others to your liking.....

I've got a set of 5.5" steelies, so these would just be taking up space

If I ever decided to 'show' my car would I be deducted for using 5.5" wheels?

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