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cant find the right size tyres


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on the side of the tyre it says r13 155 78t

i presumed 78 was the ratio for the height on the tyre.. but mayb not?  cant find any tyres that are 155/R13/78

I dont think the tyre size is standard but i'd like to replace them with the same size thats on there onw.  any ideas?

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78 is the load rating of the tyre (937 lbs)
T is the speed rating (up to 118 MPH)
What you want are some 155/13 tyres (normal profile, not low profile) with a T, U, H or V speed rating.
You wont get much choice about the load rating, generally, it is not something to worry about unless you do a lot of towing, or want to carry very heavy loads in the car.  It's more important on Van, Caravan and Trailer tyres.

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