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Spitfire Rear Spring Refitting


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Hi chaps,

Trying to refit the rear spring to my mk 2 spit, non swing spring type. How the hell is it done?

Haynes simply says refitting is reverse of removal.....hmmm. Whats the secret? I don't have a spring stretcher (is iit needed?) but every way I've tried results in either the spring sitting to high above the diff or if I attach the plate over the diff the arch of the spring presses hard onto the hub!!

Any suggestions please?

Thanks in advance

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Fit it to the diff first but don't bolt it down tightly

Then fit the uprights to the springs - remember the uprights can swivel in/out towards/away from the spring.

If the spring eye is too low to bolt into the upright you need to lift the spring.  Spring lifting bars can be bought for this reason, but another way is to use a U-clamp round the spring so you can push a bar through the loop (above the spring) and lever the spring up.

Two man job ideally.

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Thanks for the quick reply, if I removed the uprights from the hubs, attached the spring eyes to the hubs loosely and then jacked the uprights up to the hub would that work?

Space in the garage is a bit restircted for two people!!

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Have you disconnected the shock absorbers from the vertical links? I don't think I've ever encountered a Herald or Spitfire where doing that didn't give me more than enough room to bolt the spring eye to the vertical link, then carefully jack on the link until I can reattach the shock, etc., etc.

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