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Rotoflex fouling wishbone. Answer may be CV route?


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Afternoon folks,

No I have a wee problem which I have onlty just been able to identify. It is that on my passenger side, the rotoflex coupling fouls the lower wishbone when on those dippy B roads - and only one up too! When i have a passenger, it grinds like mad. Thought it was a rubbing tyre for years, until last weekend when I saw some rubbing evidence on the metal parts of the N/S rotoflex.

Here's the spec:

It's a MK2 GT6 with Spit MKIII body.
The rear spring is new (replaced that as I thought the old one may be sagging) - that didn't fix it.
The shock absorbers have been replaced with spax adjustables, set to firmest - that didn't fix it
Wire wheels swapped for alloys with lower circumference - that didn't fix it
Installed a 1/2" spacer block from Canley - that didn't fix it
Currently standard bushes

I'm now toying with the idea of going down the CV route. (Any of your experiences would be very welcome on this front)

Has anyone else experienced this? This is my 3rd rotoflex triumph & I have never experienced it before & it's doing my nut in.

Any experiences, advice, ideas etc. etc. welcome.

Thanks one & all,


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I would be checking the position of the bracket where the wishbone attaches to the chassis.
Was the chassis a spitfire one modded or a genuine GT6 mk2?
TBH I have never come acress this before, the dip in the wishbone gives enough clearance, or should, easily.
Any chance of some pics of the area?

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Indeed it is an original, hence why it's got me stumped...

I'll get some photos done this w/e when I get a spare half hour - I'll also check out the part number on the spring (still got the paper label from rimmers) to make sure it's not from a spit Mk3 rather than GT6...

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Right you are Tim, I appreciate that it is good practice to have the geometry checked/set each time one fiddles with the set up, but it happens soooo often, that I'd spend all my kidney sale proceeds on geometry - maybe I could invest in one of those 'home kits' - any good??

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Hi Jackri, where is it actually catching!!

is it the rubber of the roto,

or is it the bolts, as some are longer than the others, and if you,or some one else has put the wrong bolt in the wrong hole , then it will stick oot more and may well catch

is the roto in good condition

have you got the correct roto on, as some ive seen are a slightly bigger od than others

check this out, it may help

regards Marcus

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Hi Marcus,

Thank for the feedback - here goes:

The roto is rubbing on the metal fillets in the metallastic units
Bolts are correct as fitted
roto is <3k miles old (4 years)
Good info about the size - wasn't metallastic as they were in short supply when I needed one.

Excellent doc on metallastic - no idea if dimensions are 100% correct - I'll need to check that out at the w/e when i take the wheel off & take some photos.

Thanks again,


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Def not bolts marcus; it's the edge of the metal fillets.

I know the brackets have 3 holes Michael, for adjusting wishbones according to need; just wondered if anyone had had any experience of them - good or bad.


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Why not several photographs (from various angles) to illustrate the problem you are having.

Without having a visual reference, all we can do is guess as to what the problem may be, with dozens of different guesses, whereas on seeing a photo it may be immediately self evident.

As for different sizes of rotoflex coupling, yes there are dozens of sizes available, but there is only one that will fit the car - you have to get the correct PCD for the bolt holes, if you dont, then it would not have fitted in the first place, there is no way an incorrect PCD coupling would fit.

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You just beat me to that one, but on mine it was the spring locating brackets, the one with the thru bolts

which were catching the top of the donuts

look for signs of rubbing on there

but if it is on there, or the spring, then it will be making a ..knocking sound.. as the high bits hit, then the low bits miss

go look M,Lad

regards Marcus

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knocking - understandable if revs are low, but if one is tonking merrily at 60 or so, the knocks meld into a graunch.. Albeit brief

As I say, I will get the old girl in the air this weekend & have a look for some decent witness marks - bound to find something clearly visible I'm sure.  Will also check the mounting brackets of wishbone & spring locating doodads

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Right, it's Freeda neet, so I'll pop her up tomorrow, have a tinker, take some snaps & post them up.

Everyone above, I really cannot give sufficient appreciation of your collective assistance on this.


p.s. anyone going to HSCC at silverstone next weekend (sat)?? If so, I'll buy you a drink!

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Hi All,


Handbrake return spring lug...

Doing my nut in not finding witness marks anywhere, but then I noticed some burring on this bracket, which was shiny anyway, so it's just moved more outboard with a shorter return spring. Bingo!!

I'll still go down L'Avenue CV Joint though.


I'll put some pictures up after I've had a celebratory ale down the tavern... :)

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Hi All,


Handbrake return spring lug...

Doing my nut in not finding witness marks anywhere, but then I noticed some burring on this bracket, which was shiny anyway, so it's just moved more outboard with a shorter return spring. Bingo!!

I'll still go down L'Avenue CV Joint though.


I'll put some pictures up after I've had a celebratory ale down the tavern...

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Right, here we go...

Pix show:

the offending article (now moved 10mm outboard - sorted)
top of spring looking inboard
degree of separation of new spring on top VL mount (quite different from the offside - you can stick a finger in the gap!)
Shocker - length seems OK
Inboard wishbone mount
Arse end in
From the wheel arch

(But necesarily in that order...)

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