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Seperating front and rear hub


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Hi i am in the process of removing the front bulkhead and rear tub from my triumph herald however there doesnt seem to be any joint between the front and rear where the door shuts are.

I have undone the bolts that run across the back of the footwells under the front seat but the tread plates/door shuts seem to be one piece is this common how do i seperate them or am i looking in the wrong place??

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you have the right place, the join should go all the way. There is some sealant in there, but a strong possibility that the two sections have been welded during a reapair in the distant past.
I take it all the chassis/body mounting bolts under the treadplates have been undone?
It may be a case of the angry grinder ;)

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Ok i ventured out there again determind to find where it should be i have attached a picture and drawn a red line where the back and front seem to seperate can anyone confirm if this is correct please note i have removed the silver tread plate now and there is no apparent joint under here?!?

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The two sections seperate where your hammer is lying. I gather you have removed the bolt headed screws that fix the two sections together. Feel arond that area and you should feel a lip try putting a lever under that. Regarding no join on the sills maybe someone in the past has filled this area.
Good luck


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Silver tread plate pictured has been removed was using an old photo to try and indicate line i can see plus there appears to be an overlap of metal where the door rubber pushes onto,
Have removed the sill covers both sides

think i will put the wire head on the grinder and take the paint off where indicated the joint should be if its anything like the rest of the car it will probably have a skim of body filler over it.

There definitely appears to be a join where i have indicated on the picture i suppose everyone does theirs differently!

Keep the tips coming every little helps!

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Metal Mike those tubs look terriable let me have your address and i will happily come and take them off your hands!! only joking they look fantastic if mine looks half as good as that i will be well happy excellent work.

i will have a dig around see if i can find that join

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That's an interesting photo. I notice that there is a cut out just in front of where the hand brake goes.

Is that to accommodate an overdrive unit?

I thought mine had been botched by a previous owner but now I'm starting to think that its been done at the factory.

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My standard non overdrive Vitesse has the cut out. I thought all overdrive and non overdrive tubs where the same, unlike the Spitfire that has a cover plate on overdrive models, where the prop joins the overdrive unit.


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