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can I get the rear hubs off with a standard hub puller (less than a tenner) or do I really need to get a one specific to Triumphs (£70+)?
What have folk used, and what have they found that did/didn't work?


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do not try aything except the proper puller. I did (silly boy I was) broke 2 pullers, replaced by halfords or wherever they came from. Bent the hub..
The proper puller can be scary to use, the tension can be enormous, enough to send stuff flying when the hub does come free.

Hub pullers are often available via your local group :)

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cheers Clive, Flemming and Richard. I guess it's the proper one then....there's no local Triumph groups around here so I'll have to buy.

I think I might have to get it delivered to work rather than the house, she will be suspicious. ;)

Just a thought, are these used on other BL cars? there is a local Austin group in the next village, w ould they have one?

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Take my advice, and I speak from recent bitter experience, don't bother with a hub puller! Take the complete half shaft to an engineering firm and get them to use a hydraulic puller on them. That's exactly what I ended up doing after much blood, sweat and tears. It took nearly 50 tons of pressure to get the flanges off, to be fair though I believe it was the first time that they had ever been removed.
They charged me £10 each (£20), a fraction of the cost of a puller (which I may probably never use again) and so much easier than trying to do it yourself. Being a very hands on guy I thought it would be good to do it myself, but I was soooooo wrong! Save yourself a lot of effort and stress.

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It's not the bearing that's tight, the hub is mounted on a taper, with a woodruff key for location.

Contrary to Ron's experience, I've never failed to split a hub cleanly, without damage, using the correct tool. With the driveshaft nut loosened, then replaced loosely on the shaft to allow the hub a few mm of movement, the moment of release is quite controlled,


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