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1963 TR3B Rear Wheel Hub


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I am working on my friend's recently acquired mint condition 1963 TR3B, ID:  TCF1193L, with 9k miles original miles.  It has been sitting in a cllmatized environment 20+ years so rust is not an issue.  I am trying to remove the left rear (driver's side) wheel hub.  It is supposed to be a tapered, non-splined axle with a key.  I can say for sure it is not splined because there are no splines at the end of the axle shaft where it meets with the hub.  It does have a key.  I removed the brake shoes, axle nut and washer.  Then I used a "two stud" puller and tried to pull the hub off.  With a lot (and I mean lot) of pressure turning the center bolt on the puller, I have managed to pull the hub about 1/8 inch off the axle but just cannot get it to come any further.  The key slid out equal with the hub.  A slight tap on the key shows it is not froze to the hub as it will start to slide back onto the axle.  Is there a secret to pulling the hub off other than just brute force?  Much more force and I am afraid I am going to warp the hub.

And while I am here, are there any special secrets for replacing the inner shaft oil seal?

Many thanks for any help you can offer, Clark in Austin, TX

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     Many thanks for the info.  Actually, we got it off the next day with as you say a 20 ton press.  But we had to further persuade it with a torch.  When it went POW!! we jumped a good 3 feet.  Also, we have asked Moss to include the press info in their catalog to try and prevent others the same broken nuckles.
Thanks again,

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