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Is it the calipers?


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Don't take this the wrong way, but if you don't know where the brake calipers are I would suggest you take your car to a profesional mechanic or get someone who knows what they are doing to check it out - where in the country are you anyway? There may be a member locally who could have a look for you. Before you start looking at upgrades etc. find out if what you have is working as it should. Don't forget an old car and particulary one such as yours that is none standard will drive and behave very differently to a modern car.
As far as the MOT is concerned all it is is a certificate to say it met certain regulations at a particular moment in time, in the 3 months before you bought it a lot could have gone wrong.

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1655 wrote:
just a though, the car passed the MOT back in Oct 2009 and I purchased it in Dec 2009, would the mot test not spotted some irregularities?


Nope. If the breaks passed on the day, even if just scraped a pass or maybe after a little fettling, it still passed. A MoT tester, would not spot incorrect calipers etc. MoT is a basic safety test......

BTW to stir ideas up here, I ran my 2.5 vitesse for its 14 year life with herald/spit sized rear brakes, which were more than adequate and would happily lock up. They were properly put together and adjusted correctly, and said MoT tester always commented at how good they were. This is down to idiot garages adjusting the handbrakes cable rather than the actual brake adjusters.......

I would get somebody who knows Triumphs to look at the car, a local meeting is ideal to find knowledgable people and bribe them with beer/bacon sandwiches whatever to take a look over and suggest what should be done. And who could do the work, somebody is bound to know a suitable garage.

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Clift speaks the truth here, JJ. Your local mechanic, unless a proper enthusiast and well-versed in the minutiae of Triumph fettling, won't be able to tell the difference between a Type 14 and 16 caliper. You need a beer and bacon sandwich-gobbling, dirty-nailed, confirmed Triumph tragic to cast their eye over it. No shortage here I expect!

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Nick_Moore wrote:
You need a beer and bacon sandwich-gobbling, dirty-nailed, confirmed Triumph tragic to cast their eye over it. No shortage here I expect!

Whereabouts are you based, bound to be a local Club meeting / guru around.

Alternatively if you can, take a photo with a wheel off of the inside of the suspension area.

You used to be able to pick up entire GT6 front suspension for around £50 a side, probably gone up now.

If you live near the south there may be a set at SEM in Leatherhead Leisure Centre today S/H  ;)

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Your brake caliper will state on it whether it is type 14, 16 or whatever. In the photo the casting around the mounting closest to the bleed nipple reads type 16P. You may be able to see it with your front wheel off, (as long as the dust shields don't cover it) having given the caliper a good clean to remove any dust or dirt.
As has already been said, don't touch brakes if you don't know what you're doing - for years as a beginner I was terrified after any home servicing until I was sure the brakes were actually going to work when required... get a mechanic to check or fix as required.

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On Sunday I attended the Triumph Sports Six Club in Leatherhead, and i was quite please as it was my first event, but above all it was very nice to speak with all kind of people with the same mentality, and i got a mechanic there to have a look and I'm quite pleased the car is already fitted with the relevant Callipers and with the GT6 breaks, also did a bit of tuning to the engine not much was wrong with it, but its been properly been sorted.

Thank you very much to everyone,

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