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Vintage Lockheed Brakes - GUY Wolf


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I am fixing the brakes on a 1948 GUY Wolf truck. I have been unable to find any info online and need advice on how to service the rear brake slave cylinders which appear to be seized. Its been left standing for a while.  I have freed off the front brakes OK and the pedal is good but there is no movement of the shoes at the rear which seems to be coupled to the handbrake linkage. Advice greatly appreciated.

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I have spent the day working on the ns rear brakes and have managed to free up the handbrake linkages. The brakes bear some reslemblance to old Morris Minor set up - think the Arab may have air assisted ones. The slave cylinder was completley solid and I took it apart after a struggle and gave it all a really good clean - the seals were in good nick so I don't need to replace them. Tomorrow I will do the same on the rear os and then bleed the whole thing and hope its all good. My mate will be delighted.

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Very nice
There is a web site with old tyme enthusiasts
any thing from pedal cars, penny farthings to lorrys and le-mans cars.
Even an 'OLD' aviation thread was started recently
I know they would welcome you on there.


A lot of knowledge and help can be found in there. member from 19 - 90 year olds.

Worth a look.

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Thanks for the link, looks a good site so saved to Favourites for future reference.
Got the o/s rear off today and was pleased to see the slave cylinder was not seized so wouldnt need dismantling.  Joy shortlived though as the bleed nipple on this o/s rear is seized solid and won't budge.  This means we can't bleed the brakes properly.  Going back on Monday with stilsons to try to free it.  Fingers crossed.  

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